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Qurban: Embracing Generosity, Fulfilling Obligation

Qurban, a vital part of Eid al-Adha, holds immense importance for Muslims globally. It embodies Prophet Ibrahim's obedient willingness to sacrifice his son, embodying selflessness, gratitude, and compassion. Qurban allows us to extend our generosity by distributing meat from the sacrificed animal to the less fortunate, fostering community and sharing. Through Qurban, we reaffirm our commitment to social justice and the well-being of others.

Donate your Qurban today and make a meaningful impact.

The Aftershock of the Syrian & Turkish Survivors
February 24, 2023
The Aftershock of the Syrian & Turkish Survivors

The earthquake has left hundreds of thousands of children and their families homeless and vulnerable to disease, exploitation, and abuse.

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Lebanese turn to solar energy amid collapse of national power grid
February 24, 2023
Lebanese turn to solar energy amid collapse of national power grid

Solar power is an excellent alternative to traditional power sources, especially in a country like Lebanon that has an abundance...

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Making a Difference: Join the Fight Against Malnutrition in Lebanon with Al Anwar Charity Organisation
February 24, 2023
Making a Difference: Join the Fight Against Malnutrition in Lebanon with Al Anwar Charity Organisation

Lebanon has been facing multiple crises, including economic collapse, political instability, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have left a devastating...

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Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

Transforming Lives, One Donation at a Time

100% of funds are donated
100% Tax Deductible
Transparent Donations
Help Build Communities

Reviews from Our Supporters: Impactful Work of our Islamic Charity Organization

I am truly grateful for the amazing work this Islamic charity organization does in providing support and assistance to those in need. They have truly made a difference in the lives of so many individuals and families, and their commitment to helping others is truly inspiring. I have personally witnessed the impact of their efforts and am proud to support such a worthy cause.

Abby.E / Syd

I cannot express how impressed I am with the work of this Islamic charity organization. They have been instrumental in providing essential resources and aid to those affected by natural disasters and conflicts around the world. Their efforts have brought hope and relief to so many people, and their dedication to helping those in need is truly admirable. I am honored to support their important mission.

Jamal. S / Sydney

I have been a supporter of this Islamic charity organization for many years, and I am continually impressed by their commitment to providing humanitarian aid and assistance to those in need. They have played a critical role in providing food, shelter, healthcare, and education to vulnerable communities around the world. Their work has made a significant impact on countless lives, and I am proud to be associated with such a compassionate and impactful organization.

Mohammed. M / Melb

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